1 comments 27.5.09

Mobile lust

Posted by Miss Fong -
I must admit, I've never felt this way about a phone before. But how could you blame me? Look at this beauty!!The Sony Ericsson W995 finally came out today, and I'm dying to get it. Only question is... do I really need 4 working mobile phones? Psshh - OF COURSE I do! This is Hong Kong, after all... ;)--On another note, I'm flying off to paradise tonight and hope to return as a gingerbread woman. Wish me lu...
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3 comments 26.5.09

Beware of Pervert

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
O-M-G. My colleagues just enlightened me with this video today, and all I gotta say is... I ain't touching no MTR poles no more!!Note: Disturbing content below......
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7 comments 22.5.09

Kiss my plaque!

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , ,
Not to be rude or anything, but has anyone else noticed how bad some locals' teeth are? I'm not picking on people who have crowded or gapped teeth, but more on the people who have obviously neglected their teeth for a very long time.I mean, how else can you explain the clumps of hardened and discoloured plaque, the greyish, translucent colour and the brown etched stains not only along the gumlines, but also on the flat surfaces of their teeth?Okay, when I was young, I hated brushing my teeth. I...
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7 comments 20.5.09

How to fix a bad HK haircut

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under ,
I'm sure it's happened to most of us. You go to a strange hairstylist that you've just met for the first time, you give them a general idea of what you want and you end up looking like a butchered barbie doll.I assume this happens more often in Hong Kong than anywhere else, thanks to the extreme differences in taste, but personally speaking, this happens to me every, single time I get a hair cut, no matter where I am. It's like I've got this curse against having good hair.Anyway, for those of you...
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5 comments 11.5.09

NO means NO!

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
If there's one word to describe HK salespeople, it's gotta be AGGRESSIVE. Whether they're selling you a massage chair, gym membership or even cheap socks, they'll haggle you until you're either too frazzled or annoyed that you end up saying yes to whatever it is they want.However, over the past couple months I've built up a healthy resistance to most salespeople, even in the most awkward of situations. Take last weekend for example.I had gone for a facial treatment at Pretty House, a place I had heard of through Planet Yoga's e-newsletter and signed up for 5 facials at 788 HKD only. A single facial usually costs around 400 HKD, so this was a...
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0 comments 8.5.09


Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
While walking by the MetroPark Hotel in Wanchai today, I looked up and saw some papers taped to a window on the 5th floor or so. It was hard to make out since the writing was small (and I'm blind as a bat), but eventually I realized that each A4 paper was labeled '5h', '4h', '3h', and so on...The poor person inside was counting down to how many more hours s/he'd be locked up for!!!In case you've been in a hole all this time and don't already know, these people have been locked up for 7 days straight since they found the first case of swine flu (ahem.. H1N1) in a guy who was staying in that hotel. Not a bad thing if you're in the Shangri-La,...
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