2 comments 31.7.09

Laff of the day

Posted by Miss Fong -
I got this in my inbox from a Mainland colleague who replied to all following a company-wide announcement:"恭喜 (Congratulations) MICHEAL, WE'RE ALWAYS BE THE BACK OF YOU."Translation: We'll always be your backside. Hah...
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2 comments 29.7.09

My shadow speaks!

Posted by Miss Fong -
Have you ever wondered what your shadow would say, if it could only speak? Well, I found out last night.After my dance class, I decided to do some window shopping along Granville Road in TST on my way to my bus stop. The first place I saw had a few fashionable looking mannequins out front, so I went in.Feeling the fabric of a black halter top betwen my fingers, I heard a small voice behind me say, "It's nice, isn't it?""Um, yea..." I muttered, continuing to touch and feel a few other tops.I moved...
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1 comments 20.7.09

The wonder of wood

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
I've walked by what I used to call the 'silly comb store' between Hong Kong and Central station almost every day on my way to work, but never thought to go in until last weekend."Look there," I said to my friend visiting from Tokyo, pointing at the comb store, which sells super niche Chinese combs made of sheep horn and various types of wood. "I wonder if they ever get any business, HA!"Funny enough, my friend went in and within 5 minutes, she had bought a comb. Who knew that ancient Chinese wooden...
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0 comments 17.7.09

Shisha Roach!

Posted by Miss Fong -
I thought my place was immune from cockroaches, thanks to monthly 'pest control' sprayfests, but look what I found on the balcony just a couple nights ago!!!(Yes, that is a cockroach enjoying shisha....
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