1 comments 30.9.10

More gadget drool

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under
Lately, my mind's been as dry as an old Chinese prune, hence the lack of updates on the site. But, there's hope for me, and it comes in the form of Sony's Vaio P (2nd Gen) Netbook Lifestyle PC! I mean, how can one resist this gorgeous candy-coloured typing machine? Just one look has got my fingers twitching and my mind stirring up all sorts of potentially awesome texts (which will no doubt flow out of me once I touch the keyboard, of course)! *gaaarrhhhhhh* Yes, that's the sound of me drooling...
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3 comments 8.9.10

Fruit Fail

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
Each week, my company hands fruit out to us in the form of a couple of bananas, tasteless water pears, crater-faced oranges, battle-scarred plums and the like. Even though I don't usually enjoy being treated like a caged zoo animal, I've learned to start looking forward to the arrival of the mystery fruit each week on my desk. Today was one of those days. I could hear the thunderous wheels of the trolley coming down the hall. My mouth started to salivate at the thought of sinking my teeth into...
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7 comments 2.9.10

How to lose a customer in 20 seconds

Posted by Miss Fong -
So the other day, I came across this fantastic little joint in Wanchai where they actually served healthy lunch options, like fresh salads, soups and made-to-order sandwiches. The best part was, even if it was close to 1PM and the sidewalks were completely packed with hungry office workers from around the area, there was never a lineup for this place. I started going there regularly for lunch, and even took a few of my colleagues there to try it out. Not because the food was spectacular or anything,...
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