0 comments 13.12.12

Miss Fong in Hong Kong Xmas Cards

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , ,
So, besides selling fook-less Xmas tree ornaments at the Handmade HK bazaar last weekend, I also had a small selection of Xmas cards on sale that I designed myself :D (no fook there either, sorry lady)! There are five designs in total: Chinese Santa Frosty in HK Curry Fishmas Rudolph vs. Rudie All I Want for Xmas is… (Dim Sum!) Thanks to everyone who came by and picked them up! I hope you're enjoying your cards/ornaments/bow ties/fimo! :) Also big thanks to the people at Asia...
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3 comments 7.12.12

Put a little fook into it

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
In preparation of the Handmade HK Xmas Bazaar, I ran into my neighborhood stationery store to see if they had any more goodies for me to craft something out of. It's always fun to go in there because the store is run by an older husband and wife (?) team who are quite possibly insane. That sounds a bit harsh, I know, but you'd think so too if you met them. Simply walking in will elicit a maniacal laugh from the old man (not to mention any requests, ie. "Pens?! Ha ha ha ha ha!!") and the woman isn't much better with her bulging eyes, chatter mouth and snarky comments (ie. to a small child: "Get it yourself, you're a big boy!") While paying,...
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