2 comments 7.12.13

Hong Kongers reject the Moon Cup

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
I love watching Apple Daily's action news videos for two reasons: they're super sensational, and they use silly Cantonese slang to report (as opposed to serious news anchor talk that I can barely understand). My understanding of formal Cantonese is pretty crap, and to be honest, I don't always catch everything that's said on Apple Daily action news either, so the animated bits definitely help a lot. The other day, I watched this video about the Moon Cup in Hong Kong, which is a reusable menstrual...
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0 comments 29.8.13

my fave instagrammers

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , ,
Nothing cracks me up more than silly animals dressed up/looking funny and/or doing weird things on Instagram! So it should come as no surprise that all my fave Instagrammers are animals. :D Here are my top five -- who are yours? :) @roohahn Roo is an adorable two-legged, T-rex-like chihuahua with monster-truck wheels, a silly :P face and a wide range of wigs inspired by Marilyn and Britney. @famousniki Niki the Russian Scottish Fold silver tabby (identity crisis...
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2 comments 21.7.13


Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
You know that idiot who rushes into the MTR at the very last second when the doors are going doot-doot-doot-doot-doot and gets caught right in between, forcing the doors to bounce back open and the entire MTR train to stall, not to mention all the other trains behind it? ...yup. That was me. :/ I never thought it would be, but I blame my super sound-proof earbuds from Samsung and a particularly juicy email I was reading on my phone. As usual, I was following a massive crowd into the MTR, with...
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0 comments 23.6.13

Canto 101: Ocean skin

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , , , ,
In my ongoing quest to become more Chinese, I'm picking up my Canto-learning again, one step at a time. That means listening to more Cantopop on KKBOX (reading lyrics really helps) and taking note of any interesting phrases I come across. One of them is 海皮 -- "hoi pei", which means sea shore. I first heard it when taxi drivers would ask me if I wanted to go home via the highway or the "hoi pei", and it's never not sounded funny to me. In my head, I just can't help visualizing it as literally...
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0 comments 15.6.13

What to say to HK celebrities

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
For some reason, seeing Hong Kong celebs always kicks my heart rate up a notch, especially the ones that I grew up watching in movies or TVB back in Canada. Since moving to HK, I've personally met (read: turned into a goofy fangirl in front of) Adam Cheng, Donnie Yen, Moses Chan and Simon Yam, just to name a few, and while most of these sightings were through work, I've also been running into quite a few celebs on my own too. Like, I've had breakfast with TV show host Egg, seen Cantopop...
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1 comments 1.2.13

In the mood for CNY

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , , , , ,
I've never been big on Chinese New Year -- sure, I buy my ONE zodiac animal fook sign each year and hang it on my front door -- but I usually don't make much of an effort to follow any of the other traditions that you're supposed to do before, during and after(?) CNY. What can I say, I'm a phony Chinese…(otherwise known as a Canadian-Chinese, haha ;) This year is a different story though, as I've been getting totally worked up about everything CNY, including the flower fair, the different laisee...
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3 comments 17.1.13

A lesson in small talk…

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , ,
There's a reason why the weather is such a great subject to talk about. It's safe, far from personal and everyone can relate to it. UNLIKE BIMPLES!! That's right -- bimples, aka. back pimples, or bacne (back-acne) if you prefer. I was sitting at my desk typing away when my colleague snuck up from behind me to whisper, "Do you ever grow 'lup-lups' on your back?" I turned my head slowly to come face-to-face with her extremely concerned expression. "Lup…lup…?" I couldn't believe she was asking me this. (Lup-lup means little bumps in Canto, translation = zits) "Yes, I saw your back through your sweater," (I was wearing a...
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