7 comments 26.11.09

Vampire Teabags

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under
Today I was having random thoughts in my head about vampires (no, not Edward Cullen) but the Chinese word for it and whether it had anything to do with ginger. You see, 殭屍 (goeng si) is 'vampire' in Cantonese, but the first character sounds a lot like 'ginger'. Anyway, after a bit of searching, I not only found the answer to my question, but discovered a rather new piece of slang.Do you know what 殭屍茶包 (vampire teabag) means? Go on, take a wild guess. Yes, think nasty...even dirtier......
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5 comments 20.11.09

Me vs. Tea Lady - Round 2

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
The latest battle between me and the office Tea Lady came about after yet another cockroach decided to rear its ugly face on my desk. This time, a rather large, yellow roach was caught creepy-crawling on my office telephone receiver. But by the time I hollered "ROACH!" at the top of my lungs, that little bastard had disappeared, making me look like a total idiot in front of all my colleagues.For those who know me, you know that I'm a magnet for cockroaches. Somehow, they always seem to pop up around me, no matter if they're on the street, outside my door or crawling on my cubicle walls. So, it's totally not my fault that I have cockroaches on...
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3 comments 5.11.09

Where's mah fruit?!

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under ,
It's amazing how quickly we get spoiled in Hong Kong. I mean, do you ever find yourself saying:"What? I need to wait FIVE WHOLE minutes for the MTR!?""AW MAN!! The escalator's been turned off and I hafta *gasp* WALK UP!?"and of course:"Wat the hell?! I didn't get no fruit today!?"(Yea, that last one was me today...) I remember the first time I saw the fruit ladies come around the office. I could hear the loud chatter of two middle-aged ladies from afar coming closer and closer until suddenly, a...
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