Now as a non-fan, I wasn't really inclined to do anything in particular, but I knew that anyone I told about this would probably ask for proof, so I decided that I should at least TRY to get a picture with this aging star...!
It was easier than I thought, because right after I went through the HKID e-Channel, Mr. Cheng just happened to be out before me and was waiting alone in the baggage collection area, so I went up to him quickly and asked for a picture.
A minute of awkward silence ensued while my colleague took multiple photos of me smiling stupidly and Mr. Cheng standing stiffly. What's weird too is that he kept saying 'hello' during the photo-taking in a soft yet high-pitched voice. Once we were finished, I mumbled thanks and ran off, feeling silly and a little bit rude.
I couldn't help thinking how it must suck to be a celebrity when all people want from you is a picture. You might as well be a freaking Madame Tussauds wax statue, right? No one ever asks, "How are you?" or "What's new?" and you gotta just stand there awkwardly with total strangers who treat you as nothing more than an object.
The fact is, I don't know him, I don't wanna know him, I don't want to know how he's doing or what he's been working on. I just wanted simple proof that I'd seen him. How stupid is that??
Where's the proof?
I don't know what I'd do if I saw a celebrity either... of course I'd want a picture but I think I'd be too shy or embarrassed to actually take one.
Do you have pictures taken with Adam? LOL.
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