8 comments 26.3.11

Tazed and confused

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , ,
So…the votes are in and it seems that most people actually dig armpit hair…! However, I decided to go through with my laser hair removal appointment anyway and boy do I have a story to tell… First of all, let me explain the reason why I even signed up for laser hair removal in the first place. The thought of doing it had never really occurred to me until an email landed in my inbox from the increasingly random group buying giant Groupon, this time advertising for 'permanent hair removal at...
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4 comments 17.3.11

Ghostly Guards

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , ,
"Hi Elaine, can you please get someone to remove the 'ghost' that is in the pot outside of our apartment door before we move in?" A few minutes later, my housing agent replied: "In Chinese, the ghost must remove by the landlord. I discuss call you later." Who (or what) is this ghost, you ask? To be honest, I haven't really got a clue either. I only noticed the little red pot of soil outside of my new front door last weekend when a few of my friends pointed it out, saying that I shouldn't touch...
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