6 comments 20.10.11

Crankie cabbie

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , ,
Today, I managed to piss off a Hong Kong cabbie quite royally, and it all started when I got into his cab at Hollywood Road and told him to drive me to 'Central Plaza'. "Cen-tral Pla-zaa," I said to him in my best Honger accent. He stared at me through the rear-view mirror with an annoyed expression in his eye and eyebrow (that's all I could see of him). "Um... Zhong-Wan Pla-zaa?" I tried again. "What are you saying?" he said in Cantonese, obviously annoyed. "You know, Zhong-Wan Dai-Ha in Wanchai?" (where 'dai-ha' meant 'building', or so I thought) "You mean Zhong-Wan Gong-Cheung!" he gruffed back. "Pla-zaa! Get your buildings...
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0 comments 19.10.11

Things that make me cringe

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , , ,
Even though I've lived in Hong Kong for the last three years, there are still so many things that make me cringe, curse or want to punch someone out. You'd think that I'd have gotten used to it by now, but nope. Here they are in no particular order: Gross, yellow, plaque-stained teeth that could so easily be prevented by daily brushing Chewing and talking with clumps of food sloshing around inside of your mouth for everyone to see (please stop) Talk of funky dancing and whether "it really works" (first of all, stay away from funky dancing aka. aerobics on crack and secondly, stop obsessing about losing weight!) People talking on the phone...
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1 comments 10.10.11

Me 1 - Gnats 50

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , ,
This weekend, I scored my first ever goal for my soccer team (yay!)... OK so it was just a friendly game against a bunch of Hong Kong men in their 50s, but it was still a pretty awesome goal. How it went down was -- I happened to be in front of the goal when a shot was fired by my teammate Carrie from the right side, which hit the top goal post and came bouncing towards me. Out of reflex (or skill, but highly unlikely), I bounced the ball off my chest and then kicked it over the goalie’s right...
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