3 comments 5.8.14

The pointy haired man exists!

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , , , , ,
So you may have already heard about (or seen) this impossibly pointy haired man shaping his hairstyle in the MTR, and the way he did so with the exaggerated movements seemed so ridiculous that I was pretty sure he wasn't real (ie. that it was a prank of some sort). But lo and behold, while I was in the 24-hour Wellcome's cookie aisle last night, I saw Mr. Pointy Hair himself next to me checking out the cracker options. I couldn't help but get excited at the sight of him and the pyramid of...
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4 comments 4.8.14

Hong Kong people can be nice

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , , , , , , , ,
A lot of people have the impression that Hong Kong people are unfriendly, rude or impolite. And it's understandable, given how many there are that: don't open doors for others don't yield or give way - EVER don't make eye contact or conversation with strangers speak in a rough manner or just loudly poke you in the eye with umbrellas don't help you if you fall down (..the list goes on and on) BUT... I have to say that nice Hong Kong people DO exist, and here's proof: Just yesterday, when I was at my favourite fruit stall in Causeway Bay to buy some longan fruit (only HK$12 for two pounds) the guy threw in a free mandarin orange for me,...
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