5 comments 10.12.10

BOO to BO Innovation

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
Thanks to my new job, I had the (dis)pleasure of dining at BO Innovation recently, and even though it is now weeks ago, the experience is definitely one that hasn't faded away quickly. Foodies in Hong Kong have surely heard of BO but for those who haven't, BO is hailed by many to be one of the best restaurants in the world due to owner and "Demon Chef" Alvin Leung's wildly creative and experimental style of cooking. And experimental it was. The meal began with Pat Chun, a combination of mousse-like...
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4 comments 29.11.10

Mong Kok Tree Trunk Stumps Beggar

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under
 Today I came across a beggar at one of the busiest pedestrian crossings in Hong Kong: Argyle Street X Sai Yeung Choi Street. At first, I wasn't sure how I noticed him given the crazy amount of people everywhere, but on second thought, I must have been watching my footing while crossing the road, which is how I came to notice a gingerbread skin-toned person lying face down on the ground. This beggar, whom I refer to as the Mong Kok Tree Trunk Stumps Beggar, lay perfectly still amidst all the...
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4 comments 2.11.10

The thin line between friend and foe

Posted by Miss Fong -
It's a funny feeling to be leaving a company. Having spent a good amount of time there, you think you'd have developed all sorts of comrades who would feel the same way as you about stuff. I mean, we've all been through the same shits. Ate all the same crap in the neighborhood. Got harassed by the same tea ladies, etc. Some of them, you know you're gonna stay in touch with. These are the ones you would consider calling your "friends", if only you were more sure that they also considered you one and not just a 'colleague'. Some of them were simply lunch buddies, people you never would go to lunch with unless it was in a group. And some of them,...
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13 comments 26.10.10

Hello Kitty Toes

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under
With HK's "winter" approaching and no shortage of 8 year old girls around (physically or mentally), REEBOK has created an ultra kawaii, super soft and snuggly Hello Kitty sneaker. Now, I'm no Hello Kitty fan but the REEBOK X HELLO KITTY PT-20 has got the prepubescent me squealing with delight! It's almost too cute to resist, but I will anyway, given that we're in HK where the streets are littered with curry fishballs, bubble tea pearls, cockroaches galore and cigarette butts. Kudos to whoever...
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6 comments 19.10.10

Drug overdose!

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , ,
I don't get sick often, but when I do, I try to avoid seeing the doctor as much as possible, especially in Hong Kong. Why is this? First of all, it's a hassle to expense the bill (yea, I'm that lazy). Second, I still don't have a doctor to call my own, so it's always some random wo/man. And third, I have a feeling the doctors here don't really care about their patients, nor do they really know (or want to know) what the problem is. What happens then is after your brief consultation, the doctor...
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1 comments 30.9.10

More gadget drool

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under
Lately, my mind's been as dry as an old Chinese prune, hence the lack of updates on the site. But, there's hope for me, and it comes in the form of Sony's Vaio P (2nd Gen) Netbook Lifestyle PC! I mean, how can one resist this gorgeous candy-coloured typing machine? Just one look has got my fingers twitching and my mind stirring up all sorts of potentially awesome texts (which will no doubt flow out of me once I touch the keyboard, of course)! *gaaarrhhhhhh* Yes, that's the sound of me drooling...
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3 comments 8.9.10

Fruit Fail

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
Each week, my company hands fruit out to us in the form of a couple of bananas, tasteless water pears, crater-faced oranges, battle-scarred plums and the like. Even though I don't usually enjoy being treated like a caged zoo animal, I've learned to start looking forward to the arrival of the mystery fruit each week on my desk. Today was one of those days. I could hear the thunderous wheels of the trolley coming down the hall. My mouth started to salivate at the thought of sinking my teeth into...
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7 comments 2.9.10

How to lose a customer in 20 seconds

Posted by Miss Fong -
So the other day, I came across this fantastic little joint in Wanchai where they actually served healthy lunch options, like fresh salads, soups and made-to-order sandwiches. The best part was, even if it was close to 1PM and the sidewalks were completely packed with hungry office workers from around the area, there was never a lineup for this place. I started going there regularly for lunch, and even took a few of my colleagues there to try it out. Not because the food was spectacular or anything,...
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4 comments 28.8.10

I can see!!

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
Ladies and gentleman, it's true, Miss Fong is no longer blind as a bat! And contrary to what many nay-sayers people around me had thought would happen, I did not a) go blind, b) have my eyes/lids burned off and/or c) suffer any life threatening complications (as of yet, knock on wood!). So here's my update: So far, so good! I could see pretty much immediately after sitting up from my surgery, but I'm still being extra careful like typing with my eyes closed so that I won't strain them too much...
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1 comments 26.8.10

Memoirs of a Four-Eyes

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under ,
On the eve of my Lasik surgery, I thought I'd reflect a little on my 20+ years as a four-eyes. I know it might not be that special since about 70-90% of Asians are near-sighted, so perhaps my bespectacled memories are shared by many others out there, including: Getting hit in the face with various balls (basketballs, American footballs, tennis balls, etc.) and having my glasses knocked off Waking up and patting the side of the bed for my glasses, getting increasingly pissed (Good f##king Morning,...
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7 comments 27.7.10

how to dance funky

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , ,
When I first moved to Hong Kong, I was eager to find a place to continue my dance lessons, which I had taken regularly in NL with the one and only, amazing Eszteca! Unfortunately, I quickly found out that Hong Kong had taken dance lessons and packaged them as yet another weight-loss fad, just like they had done with yoga (grrrr!). Take a look at the Hong Kong Funky Dance Centre, founded by a lady who proudly advertises that she lost 25 lbs of baby weight in 8 weeks by simply bustin' a (funky) move.  The centre strongly emphasizes the fat-burning power of funky dance, using extreme success stories complete with graphic imagery here and here...
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2 comments 23.7.10

Spiderman is from Sichuan?!

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
Last October, I had the privilege of seeing what I now proudly refer to as "the greatest and most amazing show I have ever seen!!" What could this be, you ask? A Lady Gaga concert? Too simple. A David Copperfield magic show? How amateur! What I'm talking about is the Sichuan Opera! Now before you grunt and groan at the thought of all the dok-dok-chaaaaang's and high-pitched, stretched out wailing, hear me out. The Sichuan Opera is different. Instead of simply being an on-stage ear-lashing musical,...
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6 comments 19.7.10

Wanchai Parma Ham Leg Beggar

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
This beggar has got to be one of the most graphic, gruesome and gag-inducing guys in Hong Kong. Usually seen on the bridge going towards the Immigration Tower from the Wanchai MTR Exit A5, I had almost forgot about him since I hadn't seen him in a long time. However, one look was all it took to get his image emblazened into my head again. You see, the Wanchai Parma Ham Leg Beggar is aptly named because he has a huge, rectangular raw flesh wound on one of his legs, which he displays proudly by extending...
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4 comments 15.7.10

Picking your battles

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , ,
A couple days ago, an innocent HK lady was attacked on the MTR by a psychotic Mainland woman. After making eye contact, the Mainland woman thought she heard the HK lady cursing her, so she walked up to her, took out her knife (which she normally used for self defense, she said) and started slashing. Even after the knife broke in two, she picked up the blade with her bare hands to continue her attack! But enough with my boring commentary. Watch this action-packed video (courtesy of Apple Daily)...
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3 comments 8.7.10

Holy moley

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
It's gotta be one of the most commonly asked questions in Hong Kong: "Why do Chinese people have such huge (and hairy) moles?" Is it the pollution? Or what they eat? Are we all destined to suddenly grow a big-ass intrusive mole (or 10) somewhere on our bodies? Why don't people get them removed, or at least trim those long and wiry hairs off? Have no fear, Miss Fong is here to answer all your questions about Chinese peoples' big, black and hairy moles. When I was young, my Grandma used to tell...
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1 comments 22.6.10

Grooming: Not just for dogs

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under ,
For all the guys out there who have the same views as Ma Fan Jai about bushy ladies, this may come as good news to you! I was browsing through HKU's School of Professional and Continuing Education when I came across a rather peculiar course called "Grooming for the Female Executive". The course costs HK$2,200 and includes six 3-hour sessions where HK ladies learn about Interview & Presentation Skills, Health & Skin Care and Colour and Professional Image. Here is the detailed breakdown...
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4 comments 15.6.10

Fashion is fake

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , ,
A friend of mine was visiting HK a couple months ago when he noticed some locals wearing thick plastic framed glasses without any lenses. Over a bubbling pot of pork bone soup, he asked me, "What's the point of wearing glasses with no lenses?!" At the time, I thought it was pretty redonkulous too, but now that I’ve had a few months to think about it, I have to say that there's absolutely nothing wrong with it! See, the trend of wearing nerdy glasses came to Hong Kong via our lovely neighbors Japan...
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6 comments 17.5.10

Awkward moments with my foot masseuse

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under ,
After a long day of hiking/walking/shopping (or just plain sitting, hehe), there's nothing better than getting a good ol' Chinese foot massage. Newbies may feel some pain at first, but I personally *love* getting my toes cracked! ;) By the time you get off your plush leather sofa and walk out the door, your feet will feel brand new and ready to take on another 8 hours of stomping round HK. Since moving here, I've indulged in my share of foot massages, giving rise to some pretty awkward conversations. Here are some highlights: Masseuse: You don't exercise much, do you? Your calves are so tight. Me: What? I work out regularly! Around 2-3x a week!...
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4 comments 22.4.10

An oven for your stool sample

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
One of the things I love about Hong Kong is the amount of freebies that get thrown around, some of which seem just a tad random. Take for example the recent campaign by ESDlife, where you can choose from a free toaster oven, massage machine or hair dryer depending on the type of Body Check you purchase. For those who don't have a need for the three gift items above, there's always the easy, no-fail option of taking HK$150 worth of Park n' Shop coupons instead. I never knew that so many varieties...
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2 comments 19.4.10

LKF Stump Fisted Beggar

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under ,
Our latest beggar is the LKF Stump Fisted Beggar, commonly seen on stairways in and around Lan Kwai Fong. This includes the stairs leading up to the LKF Tower, the stairs going down from Yumla to Baby Buddha, and of course the stairs around the LKF public toilets. As his name suggests, this beggar has no thumbs or fingers and usually looks gloomy and sad. He has a plastic cup pressed between his stumps for collecting spare change, and he's also known for shaking his stump fist at you while you...
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3 comments 15.4.10

seeing stars

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under ,
The other day, I was boarding a plane back to HK from China when I suddenly saw a familiar face in business class. His eyes were sharp, hair combed, skin tanned and firm (but a tad lumpy) and he was wearing a posh-looking satiny suit. Next to him sat a lady in a fur-trimmed jacket. During that split second when our eyes locked, I just couldn't place him and even after I found my seat I was still wondering, "Who the heck was that??" It wasn't until I awoke suddenly from a short nap that I blurted...
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8 comments 29.3.10

My take on the 7s

Posted by Miss Fong -
Was it just me, or did anyone else feel absolutely *nothing* about the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens? I know to many it's the perfect excuse to (cross)dress in crazy outfits and get absolutely sh*t-faced in public, but there's something about it that feels a bit...iunno...removed? See, I've been to other sporting events like the European Cup '08 and the 2010 Olympics where people dress up just as crazily but for something that they are actually passionate about (GO CANADA GO!!! :)). In HK however, the...
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3 comments 24.3.10

Smog, schmog

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under ,
Everyone's been going nuts about the super-high levels of pollution lately. True, Hong Kong's never seen this amount of smog before, what with the air pollution index (API) going off the charts in most of HK. But let's be honest here, when has HK air ever been fresh? I remember when I was littler, I used to tell my friends, "You know you're in Hong Kong when your boogers turn black!" TMI maybe, but you know it's true. It's no different now and it's not necessarily a bad thing. Before the API existed,...
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3 comments 8.3.10

Support the seniors!

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , ,
We're used to seeing them bulldoze through crowds and hobble around MTR exits in hopes of collecting your free used newspapers, but there's a new kind of senior that's been spotted around several MTR stations (including CWB). This time, they're the shaky, near-death seniors with goggley glasses, spotted skin, missing teeth and a bright red bag of boxed cookies slung over their sloped shoulders. "Please buy my cookies," they repeat, one after another in toad-like croaks. Although I'm usually immune to their tactics, I just couldn't walk away this time from one severely hunchbacked granny. It took me a few cries of 'por por' before she noticed...
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2 comments 5.3.10

Being si-man

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under ,
Something I tend to get called a lot in Hong Kong is '斯文' (si1 man4), and up till now I still can't figure out whether that's a good thing or not. At first, I took it as a compliment, since it means 'cultured, refined, elegant and genteel' (bwahaha, genteel!!). For instance, someone once said to me, "You're so 斯文, seeing you brings a smile to my face," (no joke) and I have also once heard, "You're so 斯文, you must not be from around here." Today though, someone said it to me with a somewhat negative connotation, as if my si-man-ness was a bad thing. That got me thinking, what is it that makes me so damn 斯文?? Is it because I don't talk at...
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4 comments 6.2.10

Gadget Love

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under
Hi...my name is Miss Fong and I'm addicted to gadgets... Since moving to HK, I've bought 4 mobile phones, 3 iPods, 2 digital cameras, 1 video camera and 1 macbook, but my eyes can't help checkin' out the latest and greatest tech toys that are coming out each day, week and/or month! My latest temptation is the brushed metallic pink SE W995 that was recently released for Valentine's Day. It's nothing new, but the fact that it's now in pink metal, not plastic, has set my heart ablaze! Seriously, I...
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0 comments 1.2.10

read, write and sing Chinese

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under
I recently came across some fabulous Chinese learning tools so I thought I'd share them with you all (noo, I'm not out of blog post ideas...not at all ;) 1) DianHua My colleague introduced me to this awesome (free) app for iPhones and iPod Touch that is not only an English-Chinese dictionary, it also has a built-in flashcard studying tool and (pretty damn difficult) writing test. I know, I know, there are plenty of dictionaries out there but this one's my fave cuz: when you're writing Chinese...
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4 comments 19.1.10

Squattie potties

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under
I just got back from a biz trip in China and I can still smell the strong stench of urine from the women's toilets...peeeuuuw! Yes, I've complained about my company's toilets before, but I'm so glad that at least in HK we have seated toilets that do (sometimes) flush. I know the argument for squattie potties and how they are supposed to be more hygienic, but c'mon! There's a reason why Chinese toilets smell so freakin bad, thanks to a) all the splatter and b) the baskets full of used (ugh) TP....
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5 comments 5.1.10

Pure Conspiracy

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under
When I first joined PURE Fitness in HK, I vowed never to wear the free workout clothes that they offered to all their members. I mean, when you think about how many times those faded black t-shirts and shorts have been drenched in other people's sweat, it's no wonder (yeeeeuck!). However, it didn't take long before I succumbed to wearing the PURE uniform more and more due to pure laziness. For one, I didn't have to plan/bring what to wear at the gym anymore, and it totally saved me from doing...
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