1 comments 30.6.12

Tin Hau Harmonica Elbow Beggar

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , , ,
I haven't been seeing many beggars around lately, except for the LKF Plastic Bag Lady and possibly the Wanchai Homeless Beggar whom I think I spotted in Lan Kwai Fong the other night. However, I did see a rather upbeat and jolly beggar a few weeks ago in Tin Hau just outside the MTR station on King's Road. He had picked a good location, since sizable crowds would gather while waiting to cross the busy intersection.  At first glance, the Tin Hau Harmonica Elbow Beggar (you'll understand the...
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3 comments 27.6.12

My evil thoughts

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , , ,
Sometimes, I get these evil thoughts. Like today, when this elderly Mandarin-speaking woman in front of me at the MTR customer service counter opened her mouth wide, turned towards me and started making these deep and dry-throated "BLEH-EH-EHH" noises. Apparently, she had some phlegm lodged in her throat, and believed that the longer the "BLEHHH" the more chunks of phlegm she could move upwards into her mouth. It was pretty gross, and as expected my "WTF" face didn't faze her at all. Even the guy...
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8 comments 24.6.12

The rules of walking in Hong Kong

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , ,
We all know that Hong Kong people lack manners (especially in the MTR), but have you ever wondered why that is? Besides the sheer size of the population and the lack of etiquette training growing up, I think I've finally figured it out -- it's cuz they don't know how to drive!  Yes, driving is not only a skill that gets you from point A to point B. It also teaches you to look out for and notice other people (even if it's for a selfish reason, ie. defensive driving) because if you f--k up, you die. Simple as that.  In Hong Kong, the consequences of f--king up aren't as bad (e.g. you might get a meaty body slam here...
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