2 comments 14.1.12

Cockroach CSI: Death by Coffee Drowning

Posted by Miss Fong - Filed under , , , , ,
As mentioned before, I am a total cockroach magnet. At my old job, the cockroaches LOVED my corner cubicle and now, we share our tiny SoHo office space with a very fertile family of miniature roaches, who have been spotted anywhere from my desk to the cubicle walls to the secretary's phone.

Luckily, the mini roaches mostly come out at night when we've all gone home for the day, but sometimes the next morning, we'll find them in the strangest places -- like in our coffee mugs. Yup, one morning, I found two dead roaches in the bottom of my coffee mug when I was rinsing it out, and I'm guessing it went a little like this:

Big Roach tells Little Roach how nice it would be to go skinny dipping in a creamy cup of Hong Kong style coffee.

Little Roach struggles to keep afloat in the coffee, while Big Roach relishes in the fact that there'll soon be one less mouth to feed in the "megaherd" of roaches, meaning more crumbs for him!

Big Roach loses his footing while laughing and slips into the coffee as well, where both of them die a slow and painful death since they are highly caffeinated and do not slip into unconsciousness until about an hour later.

Moral of the story? Roaches should wear slip-resistant footwear when walking on slippery surfaces like coffee mugs. Crocs, take note, you've got a new set of customers (with six feet each)!

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成Shing said...

They say one of the best home-made cockroach traps use coffee as a bait. Put used coffee grinds into a glass jar. Lean the jar against the side of a wall. The aroma will attract the cockroaches who will climb up the wall and into the jar. Once inside, the walls of the jar are too slippery for them to climb back out (as you said).

Then you can dispose of them as you please. I like to use fire.

Anonymous said...

haha this is hilarious and very creative! lovely blog :)